Cumbria LEP welcomes new Local Authority Leaders to the Board
The Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership Board welcomed the Leaders of Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness to its Board as from 1 April 2023, when the new local authorities went live.
In advance of formally taking up his appointment Cllr Jonathan Brook, Leader of Westmorland and Furness Council, joined the meeting on 31 March 2023 to outline the new authorities’ commitment to working with the LEP, going forward.
Cllr Brook, Leader of Westmorland and Furness, said:
“I welcomed the opportunity to join the LEP Board at its meeting last Friday to confirm Westmorland and Furness Council’s commitment to working with the LEP during 2023/24 and 2024/25 to ensure that the LEP can continue to support Cumbria’s economic and business priorities.”
“It was impressive to see the range of activity that the LEP is taking forward on behalf of Cumbria and I very much look forward to my organisation working with the LEP to ensure that all of the opportunities available to Westmorland and Furness are realised.”
Cllr Mark Fryer, Leader of Cumberland Council, said:
“Now that Cumberland Council is up and running, I’m looking forward to joining the LEP Board and working with Jonathan and partners to address some of the challenges that our economy and businesses are currently facing.
“I want to see our businesses supported to address both the here and now issues but to also move forward with their long-term growth priorities. Cumberland has some important investment opportunities and I look forward to the LEP helping us to deliver these.”
Lord Inglewood, Chair of the Cumbria LEP, said:
“I am delighted that the Leaders of both Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness Councils will be joining the LEP Board. The LEP is a genuine partnership between the private, public and voluntary and community sector operating in the interests of Cumbria’s economy and businesses, so having the Leaders of the two new Local Authorities involved is really important to us.
“The commitment that both of the Leaders have made to working collaboratively with the LEP over this and the next financial year is to be welcomed as we all recognise that our absolute priority needs to be supporting our businesses and economy to move beyond the current challenges and reach their full potential.
“Alongside welcoming Mark and Jonathan to the Board, I would also like to thank those local authority Board members that has served us so well, during my period as Chair, as they step down. Stewart Young, our Vice-Chair and longest serving member of the Board; Robin Ashcroft; Mike Johnson and John Mallinson. They go with our thanks and very best wishes.”
Westmorland and Furness will also take on the role of Accountable Body for the LEP. This is a legal and financial assurance role required by Government for all Local Enterprise Partnerships.