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Getting Building Fund

In August 2020, Cumbria LEP was awarded £10.5m from the Getting Building Fund.

NOTE: The fund has closed.

The fund was announced in August 2020 to provide capital investment for shovel-ready infrastructure projects. Projects needed to contribute to one of the following aims;

  • Town and city centre modernisation through targeted infrastructure investments.
  • Investment in physical connectivity to improve the functioning of the local economy.
  • Investment in innovation ecosystems.
  • Improvements to human capital.
  • Improving digital connectivity.

Two schemes were supported in Cumbria. The £5m A595 Improvements at Bothel scheme was completed and provides a wider road improvement scheme through the delivery of junction improvements aimed at increasing safety and reducing journey times.

The Marina Village project will deliver the opening phase of a landmark housing and commercial development along the waterfront at Barrow in Furness. The project is fully aligned with the Barrow Town Investment Plan and currently at the early stage of delivery. Phase 1 of the scheme is completed and remediated the site to enable the Marina Village development.

For more information, please contact David Hughes, Head of Infrastructure and Programme Closure:

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