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Strategic development of construction with a focus on people and modernisation

Photo of two construction workers with cranes in the background

Cumbria’s Construction sector is on a growth trajectory and now accounts for 8% of the county’s economy, supporting 14,000 jobs. The sector is constituted of a large number of small businesses – over 800 – and a few larger “beacon” firms.

Cumbria’s unique rural qualities and geographical position at the centre of the UK are reflected in our quality materials and in the high standards of construction. The county is home to some of the highest quality firms in the home building sector and the largest manufacturer of bricks in the UK.

The Construction Sector panel will focus on building cohesion and collaboration over time to encourage a joined up approach to the enabling activity that will generate new business opportunities for our construction firms; this will focus on development of our people and skills, modernisation of our sector, and identification of new opportunities.

  • The mapping and strategic development of the sector

  • Growing our skilled workforce with a focus on People

  • Modernising our construction technology and knowledge

  • Building cohesion as a construction sector

The Construction Sector Panel recognises the need for the sector to act cohesively to develop a clear voice for construction within the county and address overarching themes such as skills shortages for particular roles, the further development of clear career pathways in order to convert apprenticeship take up into a robust workforce for the future and to act as the focal point to bring the sector together to hold a strategic dialogue to create opportunities.

Enabling modernisation and the adoption of new ideas and innovation will be a theme for development, which will also help to attract a new, diverse workforce which will be vital to sustaining and growing the sector into the future.

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