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Make best use of available talent... to help address the potential future workforce decline

Photo of a male teacher sitting with several students in a semi-circle

The decline in our future workforce needs to be addressed to help attract more people of working age to Cumbria. There are a number of areas where actions directly related to skills development and recruitment can really make a difference to help maintain and increase our workforce, including:

  • Our older residents/workers
  • Our workless residents
  • Provision of new/innovative paths for careers and education
  • Young people who leave the county

Cumbria LEP’s People, Employment and Skills Strategy Groups’ key priorities in this area are:

  • The development of a place marketing campaign that celebrates our workers and reflects the careers opportunities available in Cumbria
  • The development of a longitudinal relationship with young people to inform them of opportunities in Cumbria at every point in their learning journey
  • Build a curriculum for inclusive growththat builds on strengths across the skills system. This includes:
    • An effective approach to transition at key points
    • A clear understanding of employer skills needs
    • A technical education vision
    • Building an enterprising culture
    • A clear understanding of the current and future skills offer
    • Demonstrate career pathways across growth sectors
    • A strong approach to digital skills
    • Meeting the needs of older workers
    • Securing a consistent approach to employability skills
    • An employer led Higher Skills offer
  • Deliver a Careers Strategy for Cumbria, including:
    • Effective co-ordination of experiences
    • A stable Careers Education workforce
    • A campaign promoting opportunities
    • An approach to Careers Education for all ages
  • Develop a programme of co-ordinated activities to retain older workers in the workforce

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Gain new skills and career advice, find skills support for your workforce, or support young people to make informed careers choices.

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