Key features of the economy
- Allerdale’s largest town, Workington has a population of around 25,000 (26% of that of Allerdale). It is close to other towns including Maryport, Cockermouth and Whitehaven
- Allerdale is the historical centre for iron and steel, and still has major industry. Manufacturing is a key feature of many of the towns with paperboard and heavy precision engineering in Workington (Iggesund), engineering in Cockermouth (TSP Engineering) and plastics in Wigton (Innovia Films)
- The district also links to the nuclear sector with major travel-to-work flows. Indeed, around 26% of Sellafield's wage bill is paid to residents of Allerdale
- Inland there are large parts of the Allerdale district where agriculture is important (the north part of the district) and tourism (in the west of the district surrounding Keswick)
- The location of Lakes College and Nuclear National College
Opportunities and threats
- Important ports handling a variety of cargo with potential for an increased role in supporting major development proposals
- The western side of the Lakes District is designated as “the quiet part” of the National Park, thus, there is considerable scope to increase visitor numbers both here and in towns outside of the National Park