Calling all Cumbrian Businesses who are recruiting and who offer flexible working!
Are you recruiting? Do you offer flexible ways of working? If you answered yes to both of these questions then our Flexible Working Recruitment events may of interest to you!
Why a recruitment event?
As of May 2023 we had 6,745 claimants actively seeking work in Cumbria. In addition, ONS survey estimates suggest there are approximately 57,000 people in Cumbria aged 16-64 who are economically inactive, i.e. not working and not available for work.
Of the claimants, 1,610 were aged 50-64 in May (i.e. almost a quarter of claimants actively looking for work are 50+). Of the economically inactive from the survey, around 33,000 are aged 50-64 (i.e. more than half of the inactive are age 50-64).
By actively promoting and discussing more flexible ways of working in a face to face and easily accessible environment, we may attract more people, into the labour market.
Why flexible working?
Examples of flexible working could include: reduced hours, flexible start and finish times, condensed hours over reduced days such as a 4 day week, flexible lunch. Some of these options aren’t easy to find online so a face to face engagement opportunity may help to promote this. By proactively offering flexible working, our talent pools could expand.
What will the format of the events be?
The format of the events will be a market stall approach with different businesses holding their own stall. The events will be supported by the Cumbria LEP, DWP and Centre for Leadership and Performance.
When and where?
The details of the events are shown below and the times will be confirmed nearer to the dates, however please plan for a full working day at this stage:
- 19th September: The Forum, Barrow
- 21st September: People First Conference Centre, Carlisle
- 26th September: Kendal Town Hall, Kendal
- 28th September: Solway Hall, Whitehaven
If you would like to be part of one or more of our events, or wish to find out more, please contact Rachel Wlodarczak, Head of Employment and Skills at The Cumbria LEP: