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Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Brexit update

Announcements and new guidance

On 4 March, MHCLG announced a £1.6 billion fund to boost economic growth and give communities a greater say in their future after Brexit

MHCLG has sent guidance on data protection after Brexit to all local authority Chief Executives.

MHCLG and DExEU issued a Public Information Campaign (PIC) toolkit including resources for councils to adapt and use. This was sent out by the LGA to local communications teams, please contact for further details.

HMRC issued a message encouraging business owners to make No Deal preparations ahead of EU exit day. This informs businesses to take three steps to:

DEFRA published a number of updates, including:
Guidance for the fisheries sector and preparing for Brexit
Advice on food labelling changes for producers

BEIS published guidance on European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) funding in a ‘No Deal’ Brexit

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) published guidance on changes to trade mark law in the event of ‘No Deal’ Brexit

DfT published guidance on trailer registration before travelling to the EU after Brexit

DExEU published a summary of implications for Business and Trade of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit

The CMA updated guidance on their state aid role if there is no Brexit deal

A consolidated list of guidance is also available:

Update from the Local Government EU Exit Team

The EU Exit Local Government Delivery Board, chaired by the Secretary of State, met last Tuesday. Representatives from selected sector bodies and Ministers from departments across Government attended the meeting to discuss the impact of Brexit on several key policy areas affecting councils.
Yesterday we hosted a workshop on Brexit and Rural Authorities including sessions on implications for animals and animal movements, access to labour and environmental protections.

Parliamentary activity

The Prime Minister gave a statement to the House on Tuesday 26 February on the latest Brexit developments and set out dates for further votes

On Wednesday 27 February MPs debated what steps should be taken next in the Brexit process.

Upcoming Events for Local Authorities

Wednesday 13 March – Brexit and Adult Social Care

Friday 15 March – Brexit and Trading Standards

Monday 18 March – Brexit and Coastal Authorities

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