Shaping Cumbria’s Future
The Cumbria LEP is calling on local organisations to help shape the county’s future by taking part in important consultation events that will decide Cumbria’s economic priorities through to 2030.
The LEP is working in partnership to develop a new Local Industrial Strategy, which will highlight Cumbria’s strengths and make a compelling case to Government and the private sector for investment in the county.
The LEP will be holding four major consultation events in July and is asking businesses and public and third sector partners across Cumbria to take part and give their views on what should be included in the new strategy. It is keen to hear from a wide range of organisations, including businesses, councils, colleges, universities, schools, the NHS, the police, the fire service, charities and groups that represent particular sectors, such as advanced manufacturing, tourism, nuclear and agriculture.
Cumbria LEP Chief Executive Jo Lappin says: “These events are really important opportunities to shape the county’s future.
“It is crucial that we develop a really high-quality Local Industrial Strategy, that showcases our strengths to Government and potential investors. It must be based on strong evidence and have real buy-in from all of our partners locally.
“The strategy will set out our future direction, and be a catalyst for private and public-sector investment, driving forward growth and prosperity in Cumbria; so, it is vital for everyone to make their voices heard. The strategy importantly is also about people and places, making sure that all of our residents have good jobs and greater earning power.
“We really want to hear what people think are the key challenges and opportunities for Cumbria’s economy. These events will give everyone an opportunity to influence the strategy at an early stage and help shape Cumbria’s future for their children and grandchildren.”
Government has said that Local Industrial Strategies need to be based on its five foundations of productivity: innovative ideas, people and jobs, major infrastructure upgrades, business environment and places for more prosperous communities. It also wants the strategies to address its four grand challenges: growing the artificial intelligence and data driven economy; shifting towards green growth; shaping the future of mobility and meeting the needs of an aging society.
The LEP has already started work on the Cumbria Local Industrial Strategy. It has been gathering evidence about the Cumbrian economy, developing ideas about the potential strategy and preparing papers on each of the Government’s five foundations of productivity.
Major consultation events on the Local Industrial Strategy are planned for:
• Monday 9 July: Carlisle College (9am – 12 noon)
• Tuesday 10 July: Lakes College new Nuclear College building (9am – 12 noon)
• Wednesday 11 July: Furness College (9am – 12 noon)
• Wednesday 11 July: Kendal College (1:30pm – 4:30pm).
The events will provide an overview of Cumbria’s economy, strengths, opportunities and challenges and invite attendees to provide suggestions as to how these can best be addressed. Attendance can be booked on Eventbrite.
Bookings can be made at: