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Cumbria Accelerator: Fully-funded business support sessions for Cumbrian businesses

Cumbria Accelerator: Fully-funded business support sessions for Cumbrian businesses Cumbria Accelerator - supporting businesses to grow

CLEP's Cumbria Accelerator project delivers FREE support sessions to Cumbrian businesses of any size, working in any sector.

Expert advice delivered by our advisers covers a wide range of areas, from help with finance and innovation to sales and marketing support, or assistance with adopting new technologies.

Seeking advice is a great way to invest in your business. Break through barriers and unlock your business's full potential with the help of one of our advisers, who will work directly with you to understand the challenges and opportunities.

Hundreds of Cumbrian businesses have already benefited from our support. Edmund Wood from Belgrove Rum, says:

“As a small business it’s incredibly important to have a group of trusted advisers who give you support, and the CLEP is another string to our bow; excellent local knowledge, connections, grant advice - anything you need they’ll either know it or be able to point you in the right direction.”

Paul Foster, Head of Programmes at Cumbria LEP says:

“We have supported hundreds of businesses already through 2023 and this new programme will allow us to assist hundreds more. As well as offering practical advice on aspects of your business we can help you look for grants, or other funded support which can help you drive your business forward. We expect demand for support to be high so urge businesses across Cumbria to get in touch and get their initial appointment booked in.

“Our advisors come from a variety of backgrounds and have expertise in different sectors, so whatever your business we will have someone approachable, knowledgeable and well-connected who will be ready to help you tackle your business issues and get you firmly on the road to success. Evidence suggests that businesses which access support are more likely to prosper than those which don’t, so the Cumbria Accelerator programme will no doubt be a huge boost to those businesses which engage and access the support on offer.”

The organisations working with Cumbria LEP to deliver the Cumbria Accelerator programme are:

  • AJ Lakes Consultancy and Training
  • Thomas Jardine & Co
  • Cumbria Chamber of Commerce
  • Phil Collier Associates
  • The Hospitality Counsellor
  • The Farmer Network
  • The Growing Club

Contact Cumbria LEP’s Head of Programmes Paul Foster to begin your Cumbria Accelerator journey at

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