CLEP takes scrutiny very seriously and during 2018 fully reviewed its scrutiny arrangements to ensure that all of its activities and investments were open, transparent and subject to scrutiny. In discharging scrutiny, CLEP has discharged its commitment to three separate audiences – government, local government and wider stakeholders including the public. Its approach to each of these audiences is outlined in the scrutiny arrangements available below, with papers for the local-authority led LEP Scrutiny Board also available via the links.
National Government
CLEP has revised all of its governance and accountability arrangements to be fully compliant with the National Local Assurance Framework issued by government in January 2019. CLEP’s revised Local Assurance Framework was approved by its Board on 29 March 2019, and was made immediately available on the website. This built upon the significant development work completed during 2018/19.
The Local Assurance Framework is a constantly evolving document and will continue to be updated in line with government guidance, best practice and changes to policies, systems or procedures.
Local Government
CLEP has implemented revised scrutiny arrangements, and until the new arrangements were formally introduced CLEP attended the Accountable Body’s Scrutiny Management Board with co-opted members from the six District Authorities to undertake a review of CLEP’s governance, delivery and strategy.
This meeting took place on 12 March 2019 – view papers for this meeting here.
The local-authority led LEP Scrutiny Board, which was agreed at the Accountable Body’s annual meeting on 11 April 2019, held its development day on 23 August 2019 with Lord Inglewood and Jo Lappin providing a briefing presentation for members. Following this briefing members developed the agenda for the first formal LEP Scrutiny Board meeting. This Board has been established with 14 voting County Council members and 6 voting co-opted members from the District Councils. Its sole remit is CLEP Scrutiny and it will meet twice per year, with the Accountable Body servicing the Committee.
The 2019/20 meetings took place on:
- 16 September 2019 – View papers for this meeting here
- 3 March 2020 – View papers for this meeting here.
The 2020/21 meetings are scheduled for:
- 10 September 2020 – View papers for this meeting here
- 8 March 2021 – View papers for this meeting here.
During COVID-19 restrictions the Chair of the LEP Scrutiny Board met with CLEP’s Chief Executive on a regular basis to review response and recovery planning and how CLEP was responding to key economic and business issues during the pandemic.
Although, the new Local Scrutiny Board has been established, CLEP has continued to attend individual local authorities, Scrutiny Committees, on request, in line with our strong commitment to openness and transparency.
View details of CLEP’s attendance during 2018/19.
No requests were made for attendance of individual Scrutiny Committees in 2019/20. During 2020/21 LEP was invited to present to the Carlisle City Council Economic Growth Scrutiny Panel on 20 August 2020.
Wider Stakeholders
The revised governance arrangements were designed to engage a significant number of businesses and public and voluntary and community sector organisations in developing and implementing CLEP’s strategies and work programmes, and in the process scrutinise these, thereby providing a comprehensive review.
CLEP hosts an open Annual General Meeting each year in September, to account for its activities and to outline its priorities for the following year. This provides all stakeholders with the opportunity to attend and question CLEP on its business. An Annual Report document is produced and circulated to accompany the Annual General Meeting.
CLEP held its 2019 Annual General Meeting on Friday 27 September, which was attended by a wide range of stakeholders. Attendees were provided with a copy of the Annual Report 2019 and had the opportunity to hear about CLEP’s activities in 2019 and plans for the future. The draft note of the meeting is provided here.
CLEP held its 2020 Annual General Meeting on Friday 18 September, which was attended by a wide range of stakeholders. Attendees were provided with a copy of the Annual Report 2020 and had the opportunity to hear about CLEP’s activities in 2021 and plans for the future. The draft note of the meeting is provided in here.
Further details on CLEP’s commitment to, and engage with scrutiny arrangements are available from Jo Lappin, Chief Executive
Minutes of Scrutiny Committee Meetings (2016-2017)
Prior to these new arrangements becoming operational, a Scrutiny Committee of 3 private sector and 3 public sector members operated.
Minutes of these meetings can be viewed below: