Ukraine and Russia – Advice for Business
As the situation in Ukraine continues to escalate, and with the introduction of sanctions on Russia, it is likely that local businesses will be impacted and will have questions.
The Department for International Trade has expanded its helpline to act as a single entry point of enquiry for businesses and traders relating to the situation in Ukraine and Russia. Businesses with enquiries relating to Ukraine/Russia are encouraged to contact DIT’s Export Support Service helpline (0300 303 8955) or Digital Enquire Service.
The ESS landing page also features a dedicated link for Ukraine/Russia enquiries. ESS will be the first point of contact for business and trade enquiries relating to Ukraine/Russia, as well as continuing to provide support to businesses exporting to Europe.
All the latest information is being published on Below are links to the FCO travel advice pages for Russia and Ukraine, and to the guidance on the new sanctions regime.
Home Office: Ukraine Guidance for Employers and Landlords
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