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Free resources for SMEs to lower energy bills and emissions

The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) have partnered with the British Standards Institution (BSI) to support small and medium sized organisations in starting their journey towards lower energy bills and emissions.

100,000 FREE downloads of BS ISO 50005, the new energy management standard, are being sponsored by BEIS, as part of their commitment to support small and medium-sized organisations to manage their energy performance and help the UK to meet Net Zero, building on commitments in the Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy (IDS).

Energy management is crucial to all organisations as it controls costs, like energy bills, and minimises Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Making the changes necessary to reduce emissions can be particularly challenging for SMEs due to a combination of fewer resources and an array of other operational pressures.

The recently published standard, BS ISO 50005, simplifies the implementation of an energy management system. The guide provides resource-constrained organisations with a means to develop a practical, low-cost approach to energy management. Use of a phased approach can enable quick wins to be achieved in reducing energy usage and allow businesses to build upon these successes overtime.

BS ISO 50005 provides SMEs with a clear and guided pathway to saving energy, money, and carbon. Its key benefits include:

  • The ability for businesses to develop an energy management system at their own pace
  • The choice of which elements to target and to what maturity level
  • Providing quick wins by aligning to areas of greatest improvement
  • Achieving financial savings
  • Motivating employees, creating corporate commitment and a positive energy management culture

SME’s can download the FREE standard here:

Organisations downloading this standard are invited to sign up to the SME Climate Commitment, where further resources, support and information on how to take action against climate change are available.

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