Cumbrian businesses urged to dig even deeper to protect key workers
Cumbria’s businesses have dug deep in answer to a plea to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that will keep doctors, nurses, care home workers and other key staff safe from the COVID-19 virus.
However, more needs to be done and more equipment of the right specification is still being sought – that’s the message from Jo Lappin, Chair of the Local Resilience Forum’s Business and Economic Response and Recovery Group (BERRG), which is co-ordinating the effort.
Many businesses have already responded with offers of protective equipment, but as donated supplies are handed out to front line services, there’s a constant need to replenish the supply line, particularly in the case of IIR fluid repellent face masks, surgical face masks, gloves, aprons and goggles.
Regular deliveries of PPE are being received, but this local support is helpful for items which are being used most frequently.
Mrs Lappin, Chief Executive of the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “I’ve said before that Cumbrian businesses are renowned for their community spirit, innovation, creativity and ingenuity.
“They’ve proved that already in responding to the needs of our front line staff, with thousands of units of protective equipment having already been donated and for this we’re all immensely grateful.
“However, the need continues and I appeal to all organisations out there who at the moment have no need for such equipment to get in touch via the following link:
Mrs Lappin said that it is important that donated equipment is European approved clinical standard PPE, meeting the required specifications for use in key services such as the NHS. She pointed to new Government guidance recently published that provides helpful advice on this
“We’re grateful for all appropriate donations but would particularly welcome IIR fluid repellent face masks, surgical face masks, gloves, aprons and goggles, which are desperately needed,” she said.
“Your donation really can help to protect our most vulnerable citizens and our most precious assets – our health and social care workers. What better thing to do for our frontline health care workers and our local community at this time of need.”
The spare equipment provided will be issued to key medical and social care facilities across Cumbria, with collection available, if needed.