Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership’s Investment Panel seeks a new member
The body responsible for overseeing and developing a pipeline of investments in Cumbria has a vacancy for a new member.
The Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership’s (CLEP’s) Investment Panel is looking for a new recruit, from either the public or the private sector.
Jim Jackson, Deputy Chair of Cumbria LEP and Chair of the Investment Panel, said: “The Panel is responsible for overseeing the investment of government funded Growth Deal into projects that will improve Cumbria’s economy, support growth and deliver new jobs, houses and infrastructure in Cumbria.
“It also makes sure that all projects are assessed in line with our Local Assurance Framework.
“The current round of Growth Deal funding must be spent by March 2021 and therefore a significant priority for 2020 will be ensuring that CLEP has sufficient projects that can deliver benefits for our businesses and people and will be completed by that date.
“It is therefore a very important part of CLEP’s work and that’s why we’re looking to further strengthen the membership of the Panel, as we have a big job to do over the coming months.”
The required time commitment would be one day per month and the successful candidate will join colleagues drawn from across the business and public sectors.
CLEP would particularly welcome applications from individuals with experience in public sector business case development and appraisal, given the Investment Panel’s role in considering Growth Deal applications.
Potential members are invited to submit their CV and a brief covering letter, outlining their experience and why they are interested in joining the Investment Panel, to CLEP Chief Executive Jo Lappin by Friday, February 28 –
Successful applicants may be requested to attend an interview before appointments are confirmed.