The Pensions Regulator: Keep Your Letter Code to Hand
Are you a new employer, or thinking about employing a new member of staff? Whether you’ve been running for a while or starting a new business from scratch, your AE duties start on the first day you employ someone.
TPR will write to you about your workplace pension duties and issue a letter code. It’s important that you keep this reference safe – you’ll need it for the declaration of compliance, and other online tools.
It’s crucial that you to get to know what your workplace pension duties are, what you’ll need to do, and by when – The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) online tool will help you, and only takes a few minutes to complete.
Not an employer?
AE duties do not apply when a company or individual are not considered an employer. For example, you may no longer employ staff, have ceased trading, or are the director of a company with no other employees.
You can check if this applies to you at What if I don’t have any staff, and complete the online form to inform TPR. Otherwise you could risk enforcement action.
For detailed help and guidance with your workplace pension duties, visit The Pensions Regulator’s website.