Small Business Commissioner: Helping you resolve payment disputes with larger businesses
Paul Uppal, Small Business Commissioner, was appointed as part of a range of measures implemented by HM Government as part of the Enterprise Act 2016 to tackle late payment, non-payment and unfavourable payment practice in the private sector.
As part of his role, the Commissioner can investigate complaints from small businesses (a business with less than 50 employees) and their larger client (a business with more than 50 employees) and make non-legally binding recommendations to resolve a dispute. Where the Commissioner considers appropriate, he may publish a report about the circumstances of the complaint. This may include the identification of the parties involved in the complaint.
The Office of the Small Business Commissioner can also assist small businesses by checking contracts, providing advice on getting invoices right and signposting them to existing support and dispute resolution services. The team is independent but appointed by Government: impartial and free to use on a non-risk basis.
The Commissioner is a long-standing champion of small businesses with knowledge of the problems small businesses incur, particularly around late payments, and the SBC team regularly participate in events across the country to engage directly with small businesses and stakeholders, to raise greater awareness about the support they offer.
For more information, visit the below link to their website: