Kind Cumbria Day
On the 13th of November it is World Kindness Day, where people are being encouraged to inspire others to be kinder to one another and look out for their neighbours.
The Kind Cumbria social media campaign aims to celebrate this on 13th November with its ‘Kind Cumbria Day’ – highlighting all the good things already happening in Cumbria, encouraging others to get involved and think about being more neighbourly. And there are potential prizes on offer for those participating.
Get involved…
Organisations, businesses, charities, community groups and the general public all all encouraged to get involved in the campaign using the hashtag #KindCumbria, and sharing what they have been up to in their neighbourhoods and how they have made connections with their neighbours.
If you are an organisation, a random act of kindness is something you could do for your team members, staff or the public. Perhaps visit a care home and take cake; donate some supplies to a school or nursery; do a litter pick in a communal space; volunteer some time; or simply make your team a cup of tea.
In the run up to the 13th why not create a ‘Kindness Wall’ in your office or organisation. Encourage visitors, colleagues or the public to write down examples of ways in which they’ve been kind, or how people have been kind to them on a Post-It Note and add it to the wall. Then send in the photo or comments to be shared on social media (details below), to show how kind everyone is in Cumbria.
Photography Competition
All photos shared online using the #KindCumbria tag will be entered into a photo competition where they could win:
- A weekend break at Chimney Gill Cottage in Cumbria
- A delicious foodie hamper from Cranstons
- Or a voucher for Afternoon Tea at The Halston in Carlisle.
Judging will take place after the 13th November and winners notified. Anyone wishing to enter via email instead can do so at
The social media channels to share your acts of kindness are as follows:
- Twitter: @kind_cumbria
- Facebook:
- Instagram: @kind_cumbria
For more information visit or email Lorrainne on