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Free Online Brexit Business Readiness Event Announced

To help business prepare for exiting the EU on 31 October, the Government are delivering a FREE online Brexit Business Readiness Event, in conjunction with the final three roadshow events in the North of England over the next few weeks.

These events will provide attendees with specific advice and help on how they can prepare their business for Brexit.

Businesses can sign up to both the roadshow events and online event (detailed below) through this website:

Online event:

16 October
Sign-Up here

14 October

Liverpool Football Club
Anfield Road, Liverpool L4 0TH
0151 263 7744

21 October

Manchester Conference Centre & The Pendulum Hotel
Weston Building, Sackville Street M1 3BB
0161 955 8000

22 October

Jurys Inn Middlesbrough
Fry Street TS1 1JH
01642 232 000

Roadshows will run in both the morning and afternoon:

  • Morning: 09:00 – 11.30
  • Afternoon: 13:00 – 15.30

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