Cyber Awareness Month – 28th–31st October
Would You Be Ready?
To raise awareness of cyber resilience for small businesses, the Business Emergency Resilience Group (BERG) are supporting Cyber Security Awareness Month from the 28th – 31st October, and businesses are being invited to keep up-to-date and informed on the latest risks.
It is important to manage your presence anywhere that you or your business is represented online, be that on websites, blog or social media, so that sensitive information does not come into the hands of a criminals, causing harm to you or your business.
To start things off, Business In The Community ( has produced this handy quick-reference toolkit, entitled How to Weave a Secure Web – a Guide for Business Owners and IT Managers.
Join in the ‘Would You Be Cyber Ready?’ digital community today, and your business will be provided with on-going information and resources to support in you resilience to a cyber-attack. Sign up here now for future updates:
During the 28th – 31st October, further details will focus on the key strategic areas of security:
- Hygiene
- Preparedness
- Response & Recovery
- Importance of Resilience
Follow the BITC on Twitter and use the sign-up form to keep updated as further details and information is released.