Cumbria LEP appoints new Deputy Chair
Jim Jackson, Chief Executive of Fourwinds60 Consulting Ltd., is the new Deputy Chair of the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP).
He succeeds Jackie Arnold MBE, Corporate Responsibility lead with BAE Systems Submarines, who has been a member of the Cumbria LEP Board since its inception in 2011 and Deputy Chair since 2012.
Jackie is stepping down as her extended term of office comes to an end, following a government-agreed extension to allow her to support transitional arrangements after the appointment of Lord Inglewood as the LEP Chair last year.
Mr Jackson’s appointment was confirmed by the CLEP Board and comes as the LEP continues to enhance its governance arrangements and to extend its in-house team to ensure that CLEP is a highly effective and capable LEP able to fully meet the requirements of both local partners and government.
He has worked in the telecommunications industry throughout his career, moving to Cumbria in 1984. He was previously Regional Infrastructure Director for the North for Openreach and has fulfilled a wide range of roles within British Telecom and Openreach.
In his current role, he provides consultancy services to telecoms firms, primarily suppliers to the major operators such as Openreach.
He joined the Cumbria LEP Board in 2015 and has been CLEP’s lead on transport and infrastructure issues. His new position as Deputy Chair will see his focus shift, as he takes over the responsibility for CLEP’s Investment Panel.
He said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to carry out the role of Deputy Chair. I would like to thank Jackie for her contribution over the years.
“I look forward to working with everyone in Cumbria to take forward the delivery of our Local Industrial Strategy, and its ambition to deliver inclusive growth, increase productivity, and promote Cumbria as a great place to live, work and invest.”
Cumbria LEP Chair Lord Inglewood said: “I would like to congratulate Jim Jackson on his appointment as Deputy Chair of the Cumbria LEP and look forward to working with him in his new role.
“He has done a great job on CLEP’s infrastructure agenda and I’m sure he will bring that same commitment to his new role.
“At the same time I would very much like to record my thanks to Jackie Arnold for the significant contribution she has made over the past eight years to the LEP, and to wish her all good wishes for the future.”
Outgoing Deputy Chair Jackie Arnold added: “It’s been an absolutely pleasure to serve as a Board Member over the last eight years and I wish Jim, Richard and the rest of the CLEP Board every success in developing the future for the Cumbrian economy.”