Brexit Latest: EU Exit Business Readiness (20th August 2019)
Welcome to the latest in a series of business readiness bulletins, aimed at keeping trade associations, business representative bodies and business intermediaries up to date on the latest information and guidance for business on the UK exiting the EU.
The objective of this Bulletin is to signpost you to tools and resources to help you and your members prepare for the UK’s Exit from the EU.
EU Exit Business Readiness Forum
Thank you to everyone who attended the forum on 8 August. Below you can download PDF slides from that event. Please also find below the answers to the Q&A, also in PDF format. We are still confirming some answers which will be included in a future bulletin. Our next forum will be on Thursday 12 September, further details have been sent to relevant organisations under a separate cover.
We would really like to hear from you if there is anything in particular that you would find useful for our upcoming forum, please share your thoughts with us via
Recent Announcements
Importing and Exporting
NEW – Department for International Trade have provided documents relating to the new trade arrangements the UK has signed or is discussing, to replace the current EU agreements if there’s a no-deal Brexit: UK trade agreements with non-EU countries in a no-deal Brexit.
NEW – How to trade with other countries: Department for International Trade have provided documents that clarifies overall rules but your members are encouraged to look at country-specific pages on how to trade with other countries if there is a no UK trade agreement in place: Trading under WTO rules.
NEW – Department for International Trade have provided information about the UK’s participation in the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) if there’s a no-deal Brexit: Bidding for overseas contracts: what to expect if there’s a no-deal Brexit.
NEW – Marine Management Organisation have asked for UK Fisheries Administrations call on fishermen with vessels 12 metres and longer to register with the International Maritime Organization (IMO): Fishermen in over 12m fleet urged to register now to be ready for EU exit.
NEW – Department for International Trade have provided documents relating to the UK-Central America association agreement: UK-Central America association agreement.
NEW – Department for International Trade have provided the government’s approach to maintaining continuity in the trade relationship between the UK and Central American countries after Brexit: Continuing the UK’s trade relationship with Central America: parliamentary report.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs have provided an update on how to apply for a scientific licence to import, move or keep material that’s usually prohibited, fees you must pay and how to move it. Update – Increase in fee’s content updated: Moving prohibited plants, plant pests, pathogens and soil.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs have provided a form to apply for plant breeders’ rights of a new variety of plant. Update – new application form and guidance on how to complete it: Plant breeders’ rights: application.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs have provided a form to apply for an agricultural or vegetable plant variety to be added to the UK National List. Update – new application form and guidance on how to complete the form: National List: application to add a plant variety.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs have provided the current issues related to protecting plant health and trade of plants, fruit, vegetables or plant material including Xylella fastidiosa. Update – Updates OPM section: Protecting plant health: topical issues.
The Ministry of Defence have advised of the changes that affect your business, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. Update – updated the content in line with the latest EU Exit information: The defence sector and preparing for Brexit.
HMRC have provided the draft text of notices that will be made under the provisions of The Customs Import Duty (EU Exit) Regulations. Update – an updated version of the Draft Notices to be Made Under The Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 has been added: Draft notices to be made under The Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018.
NEW – The Department of Health and Social Care is setting up a service to deliver urgent medicines and medical products into the UK within 1 to 4 days as part of Brexit preparations: New service to deliver urgent medicines and medical products into UK.
NEW – The Department for Transport has provided guidance on what UK and coach operators need to do to provide services, tours and holidays into Europe and other countries if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Run international bus or coach services and tours after Brexit.
The Department for Transport has published guidance on what UK bus or coach drivers need to drive professionally in the EU if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Update – Removed information about what bus or coach operator companies need to do after Brexit. This information has been moved to a new guide, which is linked to. Added information about how bus and coach drivers can stay up to date with what they need to do to prepare for Brexit. Drive in the EU after Brexit: bus and coach drivers.
NEW – The Department for Transport have published guidance on what UK lorry and goods vehicle drivers need to do to drive professionally in the EU if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Drive in the EU after Brexit: lorry and goods vehicle drivers.
Home Office have provided guidance to organisations funded to provide support to vulnerable and at risk EU citizens, applying to the EU Settlement Scheme. Update – added biographical information for each organisation. EU Settlement Scheme: community support for vulnerable citizens.
Home Office have updated the employer toolkit equips employers with the right tools and information to support EU citizens and their families to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme. Update – updated to add EU Settlement Scheme: Z card: EU Settlement Scheme: employer toolkit.
Home Office have provided guidance explains the rights of EU, European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss citizens to UK benefits and pensions if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Update – further improvements to the explanations of the rights of EU, EEA and Swiss citizens in the UK to benefits and pensions if there’s a no-deal Brexit. There is no change to the guidance: Benefits and pensions for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens in the UK if there’s a no-deal Brexit.
The Home Office has provided guidance on trading in certain categories of chemicals if we leave the EU without a deal. What chemicals are affected, what licences are needed and when to apply. Update – updated with licence requirements for different categories of drug precursor chemicals: Trading in drug precursors if there’s no Brexit deal.
Professional and Business Services
NEW – Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy have provided advice for businesses on consumer rights if there’s a no-deal Brexit: Consumer rights and business: changes after Brexit.
NEW – Ministry of Justice have provided guidance for legal services business owners on preparing for a no-deal Brexit. Legal service business owners after no-deal Brexit.
NEW – Ministry of Justice have provided guidance for EU Lawyers in the UK on how to prepare for no-deal Brexit. EU lawyers in the UK after a no-deal Brexit.
NEW – Ministry of Justice have provided guidance for UK lawyers practising in EU and EEA-EFTA countries on how to prepare for a no-deal Brexit. UK lawyers practising in the EU, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein in a no-deal Brexit.
NEW – Department of Health and Social Care have provided guidance on what adult social care providers and local authorities need to do to prepare for a no-deal Brexit: Actions for adult social care providers to prepare for Brexit.
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have provided guidance from government to assist local authority preparedness for exiting the European Union (EU). Update – Added email alert sign up link and updated and re-ordered information: Local government Brexit preparedness.
Digital and Data
NEW – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published guidance on geo-blocking of online content after Brexit and how restricting access to online content between the UK and EU will be regulated if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Geo-blocking and online content after Brexit.
EU Funding
NEW – The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy together with UK Research and Innovation have published guidance on how Horizon 2020 funding will be affected if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Horizon 2020 funding after Brexit.
NEW – The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy together with UK Space Agency have published guidance on how the UK’s space programmes will be affected if there’s a no-deal Brexit. Satellites and space programmes after Brexit.
NEW – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have provided guidance on How researchers working on civil nuclear fission and fusion will be affected if there’s a no-deal Brexit: Nuclear research after Brexit.
Retail and Consumer Goods
NEW – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have provided advice for manufacturers and retailers on footwear labelling if there’s a no-deal Brexit: Footwear labelling after Brexit.
NEW – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have provided Advice for manufacturers and retailers on textile labelling if there’s a no-deal Brexit: Textile labelling after Brexit.
HM Treasury have provided information about financial services such as banking and insurance for UK residents, businesses based in the UK, EEA residents, and financial services institutions. Update – Updated guidance for financial institutions published: Banking, insurance and other financial services if there’s no Brexit deal.
Business Support
Triage Tool
GOV.UK has an online tool to help businesses prepare for the UK leaving the EU. Businesses can use the Triage Tool to find out:
- What their business may need to do to prepare for the UK leaving the EU
- What’s changing in their sector
- Information on specific rules and regulations
Businesses will need to answer 7 simple questions to get guidance relevant to their business.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – Sector Primers
These sector primers aim to bring together on one webpage the top 3 – 5 issues for each sector and provide guidance. The primers link through to more detailed material elsewhere on GOV.UK. Please could you pass on to your members and networks. The sectors covered are:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Chemicals
- Construction and Housing
- Consumer Goods
- Electricity incl. Renewables
- Electronics, Machinery & Parts
- Gas Markets
- Life Sciences Sector
- Mining and Non-metal Manufacturing
- Nuclear Sector
- Oil and Gas Production
- Parcel Delivery Services
- Professional & Business Services
- Research & Innovation
- Retail
- Space Sector
- Steel
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Sector Primers
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
DCMS have issued new guidance on what to expect on day one of a ‘no deal’ scenario if you’re a creative business, small arts organisation or sports organisation that currently travels only to the EU, such as:
- touring professional choir
- touring chamber orchestra
- touring string quartet
- small touring ballet company
- small touring theatre company
- school football team
- amateur sports team
- pop or rock band
EU EXIT: Business Intelligence and Engagement Team
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy