Brexit Latest: EU Exit Business Readiness (17th June 2019)
Welcome to the latest in a series of business readiness bulletins, aimed at keeping trade associations, business representative bodies and business intermediaries up to date on the latest information and guidance for business on the UK exiting the EU.
The objective of this Bulletin is to signpost you to tools and resources to help you and your members prepare for the UK’s Exit from the EU.
EU Exit Business Readiness Forum
We will not be holding a forum in June; however, we intend to hold a forum later in July and we will provide further details in a separate note nearer the time.
Thank you for the feedback we have received regarding the Forum. We will look to put your suggestions in place for future editions. If you have views about what it would be useful for the Forums to focus on at future meetings, we would very much like to hear from you to help shape our future programme. We would also appreciate your views on whether you would like to see physical Forum meetings continued or whether we should focus on WebEx remote meetings. Please email with your suggestions and views.
Recent Announcements
Workforce and People
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have provided information for local housing authorities on the rights of EEA national in the UK to access social housing, including supported housing and homelessness assistance if the UK leave the EU without a deal. Update – Change to reflect amendment to legislation: EEA nationals in the UK: access to social housing and homelessness assistance in a no deal scenario.
NEW – Department for Exiting the European Union share details on the UK and Portuguese Governments signing a treaty that secures the rights of British and Portuguese citizens to stand and vote in local elections in each other’s countries after the UK leaves the EU: Voting rights treaty secured with Portugal.
Importing and Exporting
NEW – Department for International Trade have published a document providing figures on UK trade continuity agreements: UK trade agreement continuity: statistics and analysis.
NEW – Department for International Trade publish documents relating to the UK-Andean countries trade agreement: UK-Andean countries trade agreement.
NEW – Department for International Trade share the government’s approach to maintaining continuity in the trade relationship between the UK and the Andean countries of Columbia, Ecuador and Peru after EU Exit: Continuing the UK’s trade relationship with the Andean countries: parliamentary report.
Animal and Plant Health Agency have provided a list of organisations that inspect and certify animals and animal products for export. Update – new suppliers added to England, Scotland and Wales: Find a professional to certify export health certificates.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs explain how to notify the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) if you plan to import animals, germplasm and animal products from the EU. Update – IV66 import notification form updated: EU import of animals and animal products: notify authorities.
Business Support
Triage Tool
GOV.UK has an online tool to help businesses prepare for the UK leaving the EU. Businesses can use the Triage Tool to find out:
- what their business may need to do to prepare for the UK leaving the EU
- what’s changing in their sector
- information on specific rules and regulations
Businesses will need to answer 7 simple questions to get guidance relevant to their business.
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy – Sector Primers
These sector primers aim to bring together on one webpage the top 3 – 5 issues for each sector and provide guidance. The primers link through to more detailed material elsewhere on GOV.UK. A final batch have now been published, please could you pass on to stakeholders and ask them to cascade through their networks. The sectors covered are:
- Aerospace:
- Automotive:
- Chemicals:
- Construction and Housing:
- Consumer Goods:
- Electricity incl. Renewables:
- Electronics, Machinery & Parts:
- Gas Markets:
- Life Sciences Sector:
- Mining and Non-metal Manufacturing:
- Nuclear Sector:
- Oil and Gas Production:
- Parcel Delivery Services:
- Professional & Business Services:
- Research & Innovation:
- Retail:
- Space Sector:
- Steel:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Sector Primers
- Fisheries Sector:
- Food and Drink Sector:
- Farming Sector:
- Veterinary Sector:
EU Exit: Business Intelligence and Engagement Team
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy