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Rules governing how the LEP operates

The purpose of the Local Assurance Framework is to support the development and delivery of a rigorously appraised and prioritised investment programme for Cumbria, which aligns to Cumbria LEP’s strategic priorities and which positions Cumbria to take maximum advantage of any funding and other opportunities which may arise.

The framework ensures that Cumbria LEP has in place the necessary systems and processes to manage delegated funding from central Government budgets effectively and fully in line with government’s expectations as outlined in the National Assurance Framework. It has been fully updated to reflect government’s revised requirements for LEPs as outlined in the National Local Growth Assurance Framework (September 2021).

The revised Local Assurance Framework outlines the policies, processes and procedures that Cumbria LEP will follow in relation to decision making within its Growth Programme (comprising but not limited to the Local Growth Fund Programme, Growing Places Fund and European Structural Investment Fund), and in the way that it operates its business in a clear, transparent and accountable way. The Local Assurance Framework includes key documents such as the LEP’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy, complaints policy and whistleblowing policy.

The Local Assurance Framework is in three parts. Part One sets out the purpose, structure and operating principles of the LEP. Part Two sets out the project prioritisation process (including development of a project pipeline). Part Three sets out the programme management and investment decision process. The Framework also comprises a series of Appendices which set out the key supporting documentation.

Cumbria LEP aims to adhere to the highest standards of probity in the way that it discusses and makes decisions on how the funding devolved to it by Government is spent. This Local Assurance Framework is a core element of the process and has been written to set out how CLEP and its partners will identify and prioritise activity and projects to support delivery of their strategic growth priorities.

The LEP publishes minutes and papers for Board Meetings and Investment Panel Meetings, as they both involve decisions about public money. We also publish the minutes of the LEP’s Scrutiny Board.

The LEP will meet the timelines set out in the National Local Growth Assurance Framework (September 2021).

This means that meeting agendas and papers will be published 5 clear working days before the meeting takes place. Draft minutes of Board and Investment Panel meetings will be published within 10 working days of the meeting taking place. The final minutes of Board and Investment Panel meetings will be published within 10 working days of being approved. Any declaration of interest made at the meeting will be be included in the minutes of the meeting.

Information not to be placed in the public domain

Where the LEP is aware that it holds “confidential information” under The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, this information will remain confidential. This includes:

  • Information provided by a government department on terms which forbid the disclosure of the information to the public;
  • Where disclosure to the public is prohibited by a court or;
  • Where the Local Enterprise Partnership holds “exempt information” under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. This includes information relating to an individual, relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person, negotiations, labour relations, legal professional privilege and in connection to the investigation or prosecution of a crime.

Papers for meetings will be marked as Part 1 (Public) or Part 2 (Non Public) with Part 2 papers being designated as containing confidential information. For any paper designated as Part 2 the reason for inclusion as such must be provided with the meeting papers.

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in Governance and Accountability

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