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A county with a rich history and an exciting future

The county of Cumbria is one of the fastest areas for economic growth in the UK. It is also making an increasingly important contribution to national prosperity, security and wellbeing.

The county is responsible for nationally significant economic assets across our energy, nuclear and defence industries, with new investment of £25 billion planned in the next decade to deliver major projects.

The CLEP is driving forward the county's growth strategy with the aim of boosting its economy by £1.3 billion by 2024. We have a high-performing economy with ambition to grow and bring greater prosperity, security and wellbeing to those who live and work here.

Road and motorway map of Cumbria


Cumbria is a great place to invest and do business

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    Home to international brands like BAE Systems, Pirelli & McVities
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    A vibrant, diverse SME base
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    House prices 60% of the UK average

Advanced Manufacturing Excellence

The county boasts a strong manufacturing and advanced engineering workforce, notably for the nuclear, low carbon and renewable technology, and defence industries:

  • Manufacturing icon
    Over 20,000 jobs in manufacturing
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    50% of nuclear workforce

Nuclear & Energy Expertise

The construction of Moorside Nuclear Power Station could provide 7% of our future electricity needs, whilst other activity includes:

  • Nuclear & Energy expertise icon
    400 renewables sector businesses
  • Nuclear & Energy expertise icon
    BAE Systems submarine programmes
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    Sellafield's manangement of UK nuclear legacy.

Cumbria's Visitor Economy

Cumbria’s rugged landscapes, lofty fells and spectacular coastline gives the county an unrivalled tourism offer:

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    Lake District National Park World Heritage status
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    41 million visitors per year
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    £2.4 billion tourism industry
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    34,000 jobs.

Skills Development

Science-led employment and training opportunities are on the rise:

  • Skills development icon
    11% of young workforce undertaking vocation led apprenticeships
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    56,000 new job opportunities coming on stream
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    A compelling opportunity for re-location of skilled workers
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    34,000 jobs.

Quality of Life

Cumbria is widely recognised as one of the best places to achieve greater personal wellbeing:

  • Quality of Life icon
    Highly salaried, rewarding careers
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    Employment opportunities in manufacturing, engineering, construction and leisure and tourism
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    Happier work and life balance

Meet our board icon

Meet our Board

The Cumbria LEP board provides a strategic lead in all our activities

Find out more

Facts & Figures icon

Facts & Figures

Cumbria and the people who live and work here.

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